Tuesday, August 10, 2010

supporting and empowering women

I’ve found the most wonderful thing today… I explored the gift shop at the blue heron, our fav restaurant, and found a bag that I took a liking too. here’s why I had to buy it, there is an inset that explains the name of the brand – SEW – and this is what it says:

SEW – supporting and empowering women – is a development project that employs HIV+ women in arusha, tanzania. in africa, it is almost impossible to find a job once infected with HIV/AIDS, because of the stigma associated with it. as such, SEW acts as a stepping stone for self-employment. while making these bags, the women learn valuable business skills which help them develop their own enterprise. these carry bags are made from a mix of recycled and environmentally friendly materials. the women are paid a fair wage and all profits are re-invested back into the project. for more information email SEW at sew.tanzania@gmail.com

so cool right?! two things I’m wayyy keen on: empowering women and protecting the environment!! I was thrilled to be able to support such causes :)

the girls and I have been very aware this entire trip of the importance of empowering the women. I am confident that with education, a life skill as a way to make an income, and a greater sense of equality, the empowerment of women could bring such positive change to arusha. we actually make a point of purchasing our souvenirs from the women at the market rather than the men. it’s wonderful to know that other people are acknowledging the importance of this and creating groups and organizations to give strength to the women here. they are the workforce as well as the homemakers and their empowerment is key to reducing the total fertility rate, bringing up the poverty line, bringing down the rate of HIV and STIs, and improving the standard of living in the country as a whole. the women here pretty much kick butt, sadly, they aren’t given the respect or power they deserve and societal standards reinforce their inferiority, making it difficult to bring about the positive change that the empowerment of women can lead to.

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