Thursday, June 10, 2010


figured i'd get this thing set up before i leave, and when better to do it than during prime study time on a thursday afternoon.

the plan is to keep updates of this adventure during the two months i'm gone. interesting or not, i can guarantee i'll have a following of at least three (i'm talking about you fam, yes, you're bound by genetic relation to read this).

so the details are as follows:

etd - 23 june 2010 (that's less than two weeks away!)
eta - 24 june 2010 in Arusha, Tanzania.
travel companions - Amy Harlow, Thu Pham.
itinerary - working at Mt. Meru Hospital as medical student volunteers.

many hoops to jump through before we leave:
-get vaccines and updated immunizations
-collecting donations of medical supplies
-call visa and tell them of travel plans
-arrange a subleaser for the summer
-move stuff out of the apt
-study and take final test of first year of medical school
-figure out housing while we're there
-pack... what to pack?!
-should probably read up on Tanzania a little before we go as well...

guess that's all for now... wish me luck this last week and a half! i could go for a few days of oregon summer weather before i leave too, so im crossing my fingers for some sun this weekend :) thanks to all who have donated/helped me out to make this trip possible!!

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